The AGI Arms Race

PLUS: The Trillion Dollar Cloud War

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Hello everyone,

Welcome to the latest edition of "Cybermind Nexus." Unpack the mysteries of psychology of AI and Cybersecurity as we take you on a journey through the fascinating and sometimes perplexing intersection of these fields.

Imagine controlling technology with just our minds - a reality that might be closer than you think. This issue also unravels the reasons behind the ongoing debates around AI regulations triggered by the advent of deepfakes.

Get ready to dive deep into the dark underbelly of the cybercrime world with our coverage of the disturbing trend of financial sextortion. We also bring you a ringside view of the cutthroat competition in AI, where the quest for technological dominance is fueling unprecedented innovation.

This week's spotlight is on "The AGI Arms Race," a captivating probe into the high-stakes race for Artificial General Intelligence.

And there's more. Join us for our Sunday edition "The Trillion Dollar Cloud War," which extends the storyline of the AGI arms race to the battleground of the trillion-dollar cloud industry.

As part of the "Cybermind Nexus" community, your curiosity and engagement is what propels our endeavor to understand the ever-changing digital landscape. What areas of technology and psychology intersection intrigue you the most?

Enjoy this edition!

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The Dawn of Mind-Controlled Technology

Elon Musk's Neuralink has just made a significant leap in the realm of neurotechnology! The company has successfully implanted its first brain chip - named Telepathy - into a human. The patient, who is reportedly recovering well, exhibits promising signs of neuron spike detection, a crucial marker for the success of this implant.

This breakthrough follows the FDA's approval, allowing Neuralink to carry out human trials. The chip's purpose? Enabling control of devices like phones or computers just by thinking! A lifeline for those who have lost the use of their limbs.

However, it's not all smooth sailing. The long-term success and benefits of this brain-computer interface are yet to be fully evaluated. Plus, Neuralink has come under the scanner for some regulatory violations in the past.

Regardless, the successful implantation marks a notable achievement for Neuralink and potentially a new era for neurotechnology.

What do you think this implies for the future of human-computer interaction? Read more

Deepfake Controversy Sparks Calls for Stricter AI Regulations

In the wake of deepfake controversies, lawmakers are advocating for stronger restrictions on Artificial Intelligence usage. This push was prompted by the proliferation of deepfake images of Taylor Swift and fake robocalls featuring Joe Biden's voice on social media.

New York Democrat, Clyde Vanel, Chair of the State Subcommittee on Internet and New Tech, has been front and center in this battle. The process kicked off in September when Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation against deepfakes, making what happened to Taylor Swift illegal in the state.

Vanel highlights the importance of partnering with social media platforms to help curb the spread of fake content. Moreover, despite the new laws, the fight is not over. Currently, New York does not mandate disclosure for AI usage in campaigns, an issue Vanel and others have proposed legislation for.

In a world where technology is advancing faster than laws, how can we ensure ethical use of Artificial Intelligence, especially in the realm of public figures and political campaigns? Read more

Code Llama 70B: Meta's Breakthrough AI Model for Developers

Exciting news in the world of AI! Meta has unveiled an update to its revolutionary code generation AI model, Code Llama 70B. This version outperforms all previous models in handling more queries and providing high levels of accuracy.

In the HumanEval benchmark, Code Llama 70B achieved a noteworthy 53% accuracy score, surpassing GPT-3.5's 48.1% and getting closer to the 67% mark set by GPT-4. This AI model, trained with an astonishing 1TB of code and code-related data, is helping developers create and debug code more efficiently.

And the best part? Code Llama 70B is still free for both research and commercial purposes. You can access this large model from the code repository Hugging Face, which also provides access to GPUs to run AI models.

What do you think the future holds with such advancements in AI-powered code generation? Read more

Financial Sextortion: A Disturbing Cybercrime Trend

A chilling trend is on the rise: "Financial Sextortion." This form of cybercrime, often perpetuated by non-organized cybercriminal groups such as the 'Yahoo Boys' from West Africa, preys on minors, coercing them into sending explicit images. The cybercriminals then threaten to distribute these images unless repeated payments are made through various means, including peer-to-peer payment apps, cryptocurrencies, and gift cards.

According to a recent study by the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI), social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube are becoming the new hunting grounds for these cybercriminals, making it critical for these platforms to swiftly and effectively address this issue.

Victims of sextortion suffer severe psychological trauma, but, unfortunately, the response from social media platforms has been slow. It's time to call these platforms to task and demand quicker action and stronger moderation policies. Legal actions are being taken against individuals involved in sextortion schemes, but we need to do more. Prevention, awareness, and stricter regulations are key to addressing this rising cybercrime crisis.

What are your thoughts on this? How can we collectively come together to curb this horrifying trend? Read more


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AI Hunger Games

Stop the AI hunger games before they start

Innovation shouldn't come at the cost of humanity. But that's exactly what could happen with the rise of "AI hunger games" in the workplace.

A Psychology Today article reveals how companies are pitting AI systems against each other in ruthless competitions. The goal is to drive breakthroughs. But the cost is dehumanizing real employees.

Workers are already anxious that AI automation will make jobs obsolete. Now they must compete in "hunger games" against the very AI meant to assist them. It's an unfair fight.

As someone who believes in empowering human potential, this trend is deeply concerning. Of course we should leverage AI's capabilities. But not like this.

We must keep the human at the center. AI should augment creative thinking, not try to replace it. And "innovation for innovation's sake" helps no one if the human story is forgotten.

The future of work cannot be a battlefield of "man vs machine." It must tap the strengths of both.

But first, we need to stop these AI hunger games before they truly begin. Article source

Education Powered By AI

Advanced AI tutors could provide personalized learning plans. Some see huge potential to transform education.

But can machines really replace human teachers? I have doubts.

One technologist tried building an AI tutor for years. He concluded the nuance of teaching still eludes AI.

We shouldn't let excitement overshadow limitations. AI tutoring shows promise but still lacks human emotional intelligence.

Teachers connect with students in irreplaceable ways. That rapport requires wisdom AI doesn't yet grasp.

Still, AI could complement teachers by assessing strengths, targeting knowledge gaps, and tracking progress.

The future of education will likely blend technology with human guidance. AI tutors can expand access and options.

But we must ensure the human touch remains. Students need mentors who inspire passion for lifelong learning.

AI will reshape education, but not replace it. The technology promises huge gains - if developed responsibly.

The path ahead requires focus on enhancing human potential, not supplanting it. Our students deserve nothing less. Article source

AI in Psychotherapy

AI emotion detection falls short in psychotherapy

The promise of AI therapists intrigues us. The potential to automate mental healthcare could expand access. But can bots truly establish rapport?

Recent research urges caution. AI still struggles with emotional nuance in therapy sessions. Rapport relies on human connection - something current technology lacks.

While AI holds promise, quality mental healthcare requires emotional intelligence. This technology remains years away from replacing compassionate human therapists.

Progress takes patience. We should embrace AI's potential while ensuring high ethical standards. With thoughtful development, AI may one day aid human therapists.

But for now, the human touch remains indispensable. Article source



The AGI Arms Race

With an eye on the future, Meta's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has announced bold plans to acquire a staggering 350,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs. The goal? To fuel the creation of a powerhouse Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) that could revolutionize the tech world.

The vision is clear - an AGI that is capable of learning and executing a multitude of tasks, empowering futuristic services, and cutting-edge devices such as more potent digital assistants and augmented reality glasses.

The colossal investment doesn't come cheap. At approximately $30,000 per H100 - a GPU adept at training large language models - the bill totals a whopping $10.5 billion, and that's before we even factor in the electricity costs.

Clearly, Meta isn't alone in recognizing the potential of these GPUs. Tech titans Microsoft, Google, and Amazon also reportedly acquired between 50,000 to 150,000 Nvidia H100s last year, according to research firm Omdia.

It's clear - we are on the brink of a significant shift in the tech industry, powered by impressive tech innovations.

How do you think these developments will impact the future of your industry? Article source


The Trillion Dollar Cloud War

In the fierce battlefield of artificial intelligence (AI), tech titans like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon are vying for supremacy. The competition revolves around two crucial components: cloud computing and AI chips. Investment in these areas is massive and strategic, as companies aim for a pivotal role in hosting, processing, and optimizing AI models.

This AI supremacy battle has vast implications. The winners will shape the future of AI applications across industries - for businesses, governments, and consumers alike.

In the cloud wars, providers partner with AI startups to capture revenue as AI adoption grows. Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft, for instance, have invested in Anthropic and OpenAI respectively to bolster their AI offerings and increase cloud usage.

The chip wars are equally intense, with Nvidia dominating the market. But Google, Microsoft, and Amazon are hot on their heels, developing their own chips to challenge Nvidia's position.

Cloud providers are aligning with leading AI companies to secure their place as the backbone of AI innovation. Meanwhile, smaller companies are also finding opportunities in the AI landscape by focusing on niche applications, open-source models, and innovative business models.

Enterprises that are looking to adopt AI face challenges related to model selection, cost optimization, integration, explainability, monitoring, and talent gaps. Building robust internal AI capabilities can pave the way for navigating these challenges.

The AI landscape is undergoing rapid transformation, with intense competition in cloud services and AI chips. The next phase of competition is expected to revolve around optimization, deployment, and adoption challenges. The winners will be those who can translate AI innovations into tangible business value.

The future is exciting as AI technologies continue to mature. But the question is, who will lead in this transformational era of AI? Will it be the existing tech giants or the rising stars?

Stay tuned for our upcoming piece this Sunday!


Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies

With advances in artificial intelligence, the concept of machine brains surpassing human intelligence is no longer just a sci-fi plot. If such a day comes, the fate of our species could very much depend on the actions of these machine superintelligences. But as daunting as this concept may sound, we hold one significant advantage: we make the first move. Will we be able to construct a seed AI that ensures the survivability of an intelligence explosion? How can we achieve a controlled detonation?

These are the questions that Nick Bostrom's book delves into, exploring fascinating topics like oracles, genies, singletons, boxing methods, mind crime, Malthusian economics, and many more. Despite touching upon complex intellectual terrains, the lucidity of his writing makes it all seem incredibly accessible.

If we are to navigate the future of intelligent life and the human condition, understanding these concepts becomes crucial. As we stand on the brink of significant technological advancements, Bostrom's work offers a much-needed reconceptualization of our roles and responsibilities.

Are you ready to take on this essential task of our time?


  • The term "Artificial Intelligence" was first coined in 1956 by John McCarthy, an American computer scientist. McCarthy is considered one of the founding fathers of AI, and his work laid the foundation for the development of the field as we know it today.

  • AI's concept can be traced back to ancient myths and legends. Stories like the Golem in Jewish folklore and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein illustrate humanity's fascination with creating artificial beings with human-like qualities long before the modern AI era.

  • IBM's Deep Blue computer made history in 1997 by defeating the reigning world chess champion, Garry Kasparov, in a six-game match. This marked a significant milestone in AI's ability to excel in complex strategic games.

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